英 ['bændɪ]

- vt. 打来打去;传播
- adj. 向外弯曲的
- n. 早期曲棍球
- n. (Bandy)人名;(捷、罗、英)班迪;(法)邦迪
比较级: bandier;最高级: bandiest;
bandy 罗圈腿
词源同band, bend, 形容腿如被绑起来的,弯的。
- bandy
- bandy: [16] To ‘bandy words with someone’ may go back to an original idea of ‘banding together to oppose others’. The word comes from French bander ‘oppose’, which is possibly a derivative of bande ‘group, company’ (source of English band). The rather complex semantic development goes from ‘taking sides’, through ‘opposing a third party’, ‘exchanging blows’, ‘exchanging hits’ (in the 16th and 17th centuries it was a term in tennis), to ‘exchanging hostile words’.
The adjective bandy [17], as in ‘bandy legs’, probably comes from the noun bandy ‘curved stick used in an early form of hockey’ (the game was also known as bandy). It may ultimately be related to the verb bandy, the connection being the notion of knocking a ball to and fro.
=> band - bandy (v.)
- 1570s, "to strike back and forth," from Middle French bander, from root of band (n.2). The sense apparently evolved from "join together to oppose," to opposition itself, to "exchanging blows," then metaphorically, to volleying in tennis. Bandy (n.) was a 17c. Irish game, precursor of field hockey, played with a curved stick (also called a bandy), hence bandy-legged (1680s).
- 1. Ivar's bandy legs seemed to have grown shorter.
- 埃法尔的两条罗圈腿看着短得多了.
- 2. Bandy sesame seed: Yes Renqiu unique traditional flavor snacks, exquisite craftsmanship.
- 罗圈烧饼: 是任丘独有的传统风味小吃, 制作工艺考究.
- 3. We can't take you seriously when you just bandy words.
- 当你们仅仅是互相斗嘴时我们不能当真.
- 4. Always keep a bucket of water bandy, in case of fire.
- 你手边总要备一桶水, 以防火灾.
- 5. Bandy legs, or Moreover , a thousand people!
- 罗圈腿, 况且还是千人一面!