英 ['demɪdʒɒn]

- 坛子(通常细颈且有柳条编护和把手)
- 酸坛
demijohn 细颈大瓶
来自文字游戏,来自法语damejeanne, Lady Jane, 肥胖的女人,用来指大瓶子,demijohn即大瓶子的一半,细颈大瓶。
- demijohn
- demijohn: [18] Demijohn ‘large globular bottle’ has no connection with half of the common male forename. It arose through a process known as folk etymology, by which an unfamiliar or slightly outlandish foreign word is deconstructed and then reassembled using similar-sounding elements in the host language. In this case the source was French dame-jeanne, literally ‘Lady Jane’, a term used in French for such a container since the 17th century.
- demijohn (n.)
- 1769, partial translation and word-play from French damejeanne (late 17c.) "Lady Jane," term used for large globular wicker-wrapped bottle, perhaps because its shape suggested a stout woman in the costume of the period. A general Mediterranean word, with forms found in Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, and Arabic.