英 ['her(ə)ld]

- n. 先驱;传令官;报信者
- vt. 通报;预示…的来临
- n. (Herald)人名;(匈)海劳尔德;(英)赫勒尔德
复数: heralds;第三人称单数: heralds;过去式: heralded;过去分词: heralded;现在分词: heralding;
1. 谐音“he锣的”-----他敲锣来预报、通报信息。
2. Etymologically, a herald is a 'leader of an army'.
3. harbinger, harbour => herald.
4. 《纽约先驱报》(The Herald)由贝内特(J.Bennet)1835 年5月6日在纽约创办。
5. 新西兰先驱报: The New Zealand Herald: 《新西兰先驱报》是在新西兰发行的英文日报,于1863年在奥克兰创刊,其最大特点是信息容量大、新闻渠道多、报道及时。
6. 《国际先驱导报》(International Herald Leader)创刊于2002年6月6日,依托新华社遍及全球的新闻采集网络,率先提出"大国际"的传播理念.
7. international herald tribune 国际前锋论坛报. sydney morning herald 悉尼先驱晨报. Herald Journal 先驱日报. 中国先驱报 Chinese Herald. 每日先驱报 Daily Herald.
8. 谐音“号锣的、狠锣的”-----吹号、敲锣来预报,狠狠地敲锣来预报。
2. Etymologically, a herald is a 'leader of an army'.
3. harbinger, harbour => herald.
4. 《纽约先驱报》(The Herald)由贝内特(J.Bennet)1835 年5月6日在纽约创办。
5. 新西兰先驱报: The New Zealand Herald: 《新西兰先驱报》是在新西兰发行的英文日报,于1863年在奥克兰创刊,其最大特点是信息容量大、新闻渠道多、报道及时。
6. 《国际先驱导报》(International Herald Leader)创刊于2002年6月6日,依托新华社遍及全球的新闻采集网络,率先提出"大国际"的传播理念.
7. international herald tribune 国际前锋论坛报. sydney morning herald 悉尼先驱晨报. Herald Journal 先驱日报. 中国先驱报 Chinese Herald. 每日先驱报 Daily Herald.
8. 谐音“号锣的、狠锣的”-----吹号、敲锣来预报,狠狠地敲锣来预报。
herald 信使,使者,传达,通报
- herald
- herald: [14] Etymologically, a herald is a ‘leader of an army’. The word comes via Old French herault from a prehistoric Germanic *khariwald-, a compound formed from *kharjaz ‘army’ (which occurs also in English harangue, harbinger, harbour, harness, and harry) and *wald- ‘rule’ (source of English wield). It is identical in origin with the personal name Harold.
=> harangue, harbinger, harbour, harness, harry, wield - herald (n.)
- late 13c. (in Anglo-Latin); c. 1200 as a surname, "messenger, envoy," from Anglo-French heraud, Old French heraut, hiraut (12c.), perhaps from Frankish *hariwald "commander of an army," from Proto-Germanic *harja "army" (from PIE root *koro- "war;" see harry) + *waldaz "to command, rule" (see wield). The form fits, but the sense evolution is difficult to explain, unless in reference to the chief officer of a tournament, who introduced knights and made decisions on rules (which was one of the early senses, often as heraud of armes, though not the earliest in English).
- herald (v.)
- late 14c., "to sound the praises of," from herald (n.). Related: Heralded; heralding.
- 1. Their discovery could herald a cure for some forms of impotence.
- 他们的发现可能预示着为某些类型的阳痿找到了医治方法。
- 2. I welcome the report as a herald of more freedom, not less.
- 我认为这份报告预示着会有更多、而不是更少的自由,因此对它表示欢迎。
- 3. These talks could herald a new era of peace.
- 这些谈判可能预示着新的和平时代的来临。
- 4. In England the cuckoo is the herald of spring.
- 在英国杜鹃鸟是报春的使者.
- 5. The cuckoo is the herald of spring.
- 杜鹃鸟预告春天的来临.