英 [pæn]

- n. 平底锅;盘状的器皿;淘盘子,金盘,秤盘
- vt. 淘金;在浅锅中烹调(食物);[非正式用语]严厉的批评
- vi. 淘金;在淘洗中收获金子
复数: pans;第三人称单数: pans;过去式: panned;过去分词: panned;现在分词: panning;
pan 平底锅,秤盘,淘金,严厉批评
Pan 潘,潘神来自希腊语Pan,古希腊神话人头羊角羊身的山林和畜牧之神,可能来自pan,全部的,所有的, 即自然的化身。
- pan
- pan: [OE] Pan is a general West Germanic word, with relatives in German (pfanne) and Dutch (pan), and also, by borrowing, in Swedish (panna) and Danish (pande). It may have been borrowed into Germanic from Latin patina ‘dish’ (source of English paten [13] and patina [18]), which itself went back to Greek patánē ‘plate, dish’.
The verbal use pan out ‘turn out, succeed’ is an allusion to the getting of a result when ‘panning’ for gold – washing gold-bearing gravel, silt, etc in a shallow pan to separate out the metal. (Pan ‘move a camera’ [20], incidentally, is a different word altogether. It is an abbreviation of panorama.)
=> paten, patina; panorama - pan (n.)
- Old English panne, earlier ponne (Mercian) "pan," from Proto-Germanic *panna "pan" (cognates: Old Norse panna, Old Frisian panne, Middle Dutch panne, Dutch pan, Old Low German panna, Old High German phanna, German pfanne), probably an early borrowing (4c. or 5c.) from Vulgar Latin *patna, from Latin patina "shallow pan, dish, stewpan," from Greek patane "plate, dish," from PIE *pet-ano-, from root *pete- "to spread" (see pace (n.)). Irish panna probably is from English, and Lithuanian pana is from German.
Used of pan-shaped parts of mechanical apparatus from c. 1590; hence flash in the pan, a figurative use from early firearms, where a pan held the priming (and the gunpowder might "flash," but no shot ensue). To go out of the (frying) pan into the fire is first found in Spenser (1596). - pan (v.2)
- "follow with a camera," 1913 shortening of panoramic in panoramic camera (1878). Meaning "to swing from one object to another in a scene" is from 1931. Related: Panned; panning.
- Pan
- Arcadian shepherd god with upper body of a man and horns and lower part like a goat, late 14c., a god of the woods and fields, from Latin, from Greek Pan. Klein says perhaps cognate with Sanskrit pusan, a Vedic god, guardian and multiplier of cattle and other human possessions, literally "nourisher." Similarity to pan "all" (see pan-) led to his being regarded as a personification of nature. Pan-pipe, upon which he supposedly played, is attested from 1820.
- pan (v.1)
- "to wash gravel or sand in a pan in search of gold," 1839, from pan (n.); thus to pan out "turn out, succeed" (1868) is a figurative use of this (literal sense from 1849). The meaning "criticize severely" is from 1911, probably from the notion in contemporary slang expressions such as on the pan "under reprimand or criticism" (1923). Related: Panned; panning.
- 1. Put a pan of salted water on to boil.
- 将一锅盐水放上去煮。
- 2. Grate a tablespoonful of fresh ginger into a pan.
- 磨碎一汤匙鲜姜,放入平底锅。
- 3. Empty the contents of the pan into the sieve.
- 将锅里的东西倒到筛子上。
- 4. Put the onions in the pan and cook until lightly browned.
- 将洋葱放入平底锅内,炒至略呈棕色。
- 5. If you are using the same pan, clean it out.
- 如果还用同一个平底锅,要把它清理干净。