英 [prɪ'tend]

- vi. 假装,伪装,佯装
- adj. 假装的
- vt. 假装,伪装,模拟
第三人称单数: pretends;过去式: pretended;过去分词: pretended;现在分词: pretending;
1. pre- + tend-.
2. 字面含义:stretch before, stretch beyond real condition.
3. 这里的before其实是指伸展太过前,而超出了实际情况。由此引申为跟作假、欺骗、不切实际相关的含义。
4. 由此引申为:假装;伪装;伪称,佯称;自命;自称等含义。
5. 其实stretch本身就具有:夸大、夸张、夸大其词、言过其实、滥用、歪曲等含义,这本身就是对stretch伸展过度的一种引申;而这里只不过通过词根词缀的形式将其更加具体化、明确化。
2. 字面含义:stretch before, stretch beyond real condition.
3. 这里的before其实是指伸展太过前,而超出了实际情况。由此引申为跟作假、欺骗、不切实际相关的含义。
4. 由此引申为:假装;伪装;伪称,佯称;自命;自称等含义。
5. 其实stretch本身就具有:夸大、夸张、夸大其词、言过其实、滥用、歪曲等含义,这本身就是对stretch伸展过度的一种引申;而这里只不过通过词根词缀的形式将其更加具体化、明确化。
pretend 假装,佯装,自诩
- pretend
- pretend: [14] To pretend something is etymologically to ‘hold it out’ – as an excuse, or as something it is not. The word comes from Latin praetendere, a compound verb formed from the prefix prae- ‘before’ and tendere ‘stretch’ (source of English tend, tense, etc).
=> extend, tend, tense - pretend (v.)
- late 14c., "to profess, assert, maintain" (a claim, etc.), "to direct (one's) efforts," from Old French pretendre "to lay claim," from Latin praetendere "stretch in front, put forward, allege," from prae "before" (see pre-) + tendere "to stretch," from PIE root *ten- "to stretch" (see tend).
Main modern sense of "feign, put forward a false claim" is recorded from c. 1400; the older sense of simply "to claim" is behind the string of royal pretenders (1690s) in English history. Meaning "to play, make believe" is recorded from 1865. In 17c. pretend also could mean "make a suit of marriage for," from a sense in French. Related: Pretended; pretending. - pretend (n.)
- "fact of pretending," 1888, from children's talk, from pretend (v.). Earlier in same sense was verbal noun pretending (1640s).
- 1. The children pretend to be different animals dancing to the music.
- 孩子们扮成不同的动物,随着音乐起舞。
- 2. We won't pretend we savour the prospect of a month in prison.
- 我们不会装作我们满心盼望着在监狱中度过一个月。
- 3. It would be idle to pretend the system is perfect.
- 假装系统完美无疵是徒劳的。
- 4. Within this lecture I cannot pretend to deal adequately with dreams.
- 在这一次讲座中,我不敢自诩能对梦境作透彻的分析。
- 5. I pretend that things are really okay when they're not.
- 当情况不好的时候我假装一切顺利。